Hunting sector is a specific branch of social production that harmoniously combines nature conservation and provides universal access to natural resources by hunting. One of the main tasks of the modern hunting economy is the rational management of wildlife populations and the protection of their habitat.
The main objective of state policy in the field of hunting, which is part of environmental protection measures, is the diversified development of hunting populations, the conservation of their biodiversity in cooperation with forestry, agriculture and fisheries, as well as the maintenance of hunting customs and traditions.
1140 users of hunting grounds on the area of 40,0 million hectares are engaged in keeping the hunting sector in Ukraine.
There are about 800 000 hunters or 1,7% of the country’s population.
The hunting industry of the country employs 6300 workers, including 4840 full-time hunters and 480 hunters, besides, in the system of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine there are 300 state district hunters.
Area of hunting grounds by main users
In 2021, the number of ungulates in the hunting grounds of the country is 227 thousand heads, fur-bearing animals -1.7 million heads, feathered game - 10.7 million heads.