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Military actions had a negative impact on fire statistics in Ukraine
posted 12 May 2022 14:00

The number of fires compared to 2021 increased by 2.7х.

The total area of fires increased 49х.

The average area per fire has increased 18х.

The most serious situation is now in the occupied Kherson region. During all this time, the fire has already covered more than 1,587 hectares.

During a joint meeting with the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine the issues of organization of operative actions in extinguishing fires in natural ecosystems in the areas of military operations were discussed.

"We conventionally divided the forest fund into zones - "red" (where military operations or territories temporarily occupied), "orange" (territories liberated from the aggressor) and "green" (where no military operations were conducted)," - emphasized Yuriy Bolokhovets, head of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine.

In the red zone, fire prevention measures are carried out only at 23%. Now it's difficult to imagine what consequences the ecosystem will suffer from hostilities.

In the orange zone firefighting activities are carried out by 46%. The main problems are the presence of unexploded munitions in the forest, mined offices and shelling from Russian territories.

In the "green" zone, firefighting activities are carried out almost in full. Preventive and precautionary firefighting activities and raids to identify fire violators are being carried out. Television surveillance systems, quadcopters and remote sensing satellite imagery are used for early detection and rapid response to fires.

In 17 regions there is a complete ban on civilian visits to forest areas during martial law, in the remaining 7 regions there is only a ban on the entry of vehicles during extreme fire danger.

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